Resources & Incentives
We Make It Happen
Our team is dedicated to your success.
We get it—the potential red tape associated with business activity can seem like you’re tied back from your potential.
Consider us your ally as we eliminate roadblocks, navigate the unique requirements for incentives, simplify the process, and help ensure your business opportunity is maximized.
The Northeast PDA has the City, County, and State connections to guide businesses and developers to find the right location for their project and gather the right resources, bringing possibility to life.
Outstanding Access
The greater Spokane region provides outstanding air, rail, highway and communication access, to meet the needs of 21st century business, and the rise of the global economy. Notably, northeast Spokane is at the intersection of over $2 billion in freeway and other transportation improvements.
Spokane International Airport (GEG) is the second largest airport in the State of Washington and is recognized by the FAA as a small hub. It is a 25 minute commute from downtown Hillyard.
The North Spokane Corridor (U.S. 395) project will open direct access from northeast Spokane to I-90, significantly improving access and travel times for residents and businesses in the area. I-90 is the northernmost, east-west, coast-to-coast interstate, a strategic domestic and international freight corridor. US 395 is a 1,300 mile federally designated high priority freight route, extending from California to the U.S./Canada border.
Both the Union Pacific and Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroads ship nationally out of the Spokane Valley switching yard, only 10 minutes from downtown Hillyard. On the direct Seattle to Chicago line for both railroads, Spokane is the gateway to and from the interior U.S. and the Pacific Rim, with efficient east-west access and reciprocal switching capabilities matched by few regions nationwide.
REF: Class 1 rail access in multiple locations in northeast Spokane.
The Northeast has coax and fiber available presently, with new state-of-the-art fiber-optic investments in broadband telecommunications underway now. Broadly, Spokane is a regional telecommunications hub and home to major Tier 1 providers, as well as regional Tier 2, Tier 3 and local service providers. Redundancy and diversity in local and regional telecommunications, data networks, energy and power sources is common, affordable and reliable. The region ranked nationally as the 6th safest from natural disasters.
Major transportation upgrades, like the $1.5 billion North Spokane Corridor Project connecting U.S. 395 with I-90, place the Northeast of Spokane at the intersection of accessibility and progress.
With its upgraded infrastructure and connectivity, Northeast Spokane is a neighborhood of opportunity and possibility.
& Possibility
Begins Here
Resources &
If you choose to locate your business/project in the Northeast PDA area, you can count on direct support in obtaining a broad range of incentives, including some that aren’t available in other parts of the city.
Opportunity Zone
Opportunity Zones are an economic development tool that allows people to invest in distressed areas. Their purpose is to spur economic growth and job creation while providing tax benefits to investors. Nearly the entire Northeast PDA area is a Qualified Opportunity Zone.
Brownfield Program
The Northeast PDA has partnered with the City of Spokane to implement an EPA Brownfields grant that offers Environmental Site Assessments (Phases I and II) for sites being considered for development. If contamination is uncovered, the program will pay for the development of a cleanup plan, and participation in the program qualifies sites for participation in low-interest financing and grant opportunities for cleanup.
GFC Waivers
General Facilities Charges (GFCs) are fees charged to projects for connecting to the water and sewer systems. These charges fund future system-wide growth, but depending on tap size can be significant. These charges are waived for projects located within the Northeast PDA.
Traffic Impact Fee Waivers
Traffic impact fees are similar to the GFCs in that they are charged to projects to offset their impact on the local roadway network. The Northeast PDA has a pool of funds to waive these fees as well, on a first-come-first-served basis until the funds are exhausted.
Local, State, Federal Incentives
There are numerous local, state, and federal incentive programs that provide direct funding or tax credits for qualifying projects. The Northeast PDA has excellent relationships with the relevant jurisdictions and can help project proponents navigate the often complex process required to access these programs.
Project-based incentive packages
For certain projects deemed highly desirable or beneficial to the district, the Northeast PDA offers direct cash-based incentive programs that help projects get off the ground. Projects in this category include those that have significant job creation, utilize large, previously undeveloped parcels, or create other substantial district-wide benefits.